Bring your vision to life
Welcome to the world of Hema Films, where storytelling meets artistry, and the magic of the silver screen
comes alive. So, let us embark on this extraordinary adventure together, and celebrate the power of
About hema films
The term ‘Hema’ in Sanskrit evokes the exquisite and pristine nature of snow and ice, symbolizing qualities of elegance, purity, and splendor. It is a term that captures the essence of these elements in a beautiful and poetic way.
‘Hema Films’ is named after Hemant’s mother, who he remembers only vaguely due to her untimely passing when he was very young. However, her memory lives on in the name, which perfectly encapsulates her essence as a person – beautiful, pure, loving, and generous.
Hema film bears a name that is a tribute to the cherished matriarch whose life story serves as the inspiration for the company’s inception. In a heartfelt gesture of remembrance and reverence, her name was chosen to resound throughout the ages.
「Hema Films」は、ヘマントの幼少期に早逝した母親にちなんで名付けられました。この名前は、彼の心に残る「美しく、純粋で、愛情深く、寛大」であった母の人間性を、まさに表現するものです

What we do
Hema Films is your go-to destination for all your filmmaking requirements. From pre-production planning, vendor bookings, casting, equipment rental, production services to the very final steps of post-production, packaging and master delivery, we offer end-to-end solutions that cater to your specific needs. Our vast experience and expertise in the field, along with our strong partnerships with both local and international vendors, enable us to deliver exceptional results that exceed your expectations.
Hema Filmsは、映画制作に必要なあらゆるプロセスをサポートします。映画の企画、キャストの選定、機材のレンタル、撮影、そして編集や仕上げまで、全ての段階でサポートを提供しています。日本・海外のパートナーとの強いネットワークと、多くの経験・専門知識を活かして、お客様のニーズに合わせた最高の映画制作を実現します
We are creative film production company
Our History
In the year 2023, Hemant Singh, an independent filmmaker based in Tokyo, and Nodoka Matsumoto co-founded Hema Films, adding their first feature film "Wasabi - not a fairy tale" to the Hema Films portfolio.
Hema Filmsは、2023年、東京を拠点とするインディペンデント映像作家のヘマント・シンと松本悠香によって設立さ れました。初の長編映画『Wasabi - not a fairy tale』を皮切りに、プロジェクトを拡張しています

Hemant Singh
Hemant Singh, hailing from the enchanting northern part of Uttarakhand in India, is a man with a passion for filmmaking. His journey in the industry began with a reality show on Channel V, and ultimately emerged victorious, earning himself a thrilling chopper ride to Mount Everest and a delightful breakfast, followed by a week-long trip to Europe. In November 2011, He moved to Mumbai to pursue his life as an actor, However, his stint as an actor highlighted his lack of formal education in acting and pushed him to explore alternative avenues in the industry. In 2013, he found himself working as an assistant to an online editor at a company that specialized in making movie teasers and trailers.
This experience solidified his decision to become a filmmaker. Hemant then went on to join a world-renowned post-production studio, Prime Focus (now known as DNEG), where he worked his way up from an assistant online editor to an online editor. In 2016, he moved to the vibrant city of Tokyo in Japan, where he worked various jobs. His last employer was a Tokyo-based media consulting firm that employed him as a contracted employee to work with Nissan. In 2018, Hemant took the plunge and turned into an independent freelance filmmaker based in Tokyo. In 2023, with a decade of hard work, dedication, and determination, he finally achieved his dream of producing and completing his first feature film. Hemant is a passionate filmmaker who is driven by a deep desire to share thought-provoking stories and bring his creative visions to fruition.
リティ番組。番組で優勝し、エベレスト山脈をヘリコプターで旅したり、ヨーロッパ旅行を獲得したりと、素晴らしい経験 をする 2011年11月、俳優を目指しエンターテインメントの中心地・ムンバイに移り住むが、俳優としての経験・トレーニング 不足により、業界で別の道を探ることに 2013年、映画のティーザーやトレーラーを制作する会社でオンラインエディターのアシスタントとして働きはじめる。 この経験が後に、映画監督になるという決断に結びつく その後、世界的に有名なポストプロダクションスタジオであるPrime Focus(現DNEG)に入社し、アシスタントオンラ インエディターからオンラインエディターに昇格 2016年、日本・東京に移り、さまざまな仕事に従事。独立前は、東京に拠点を置くメディアコンサルティング会社のメ ンバーとして、日産自動車で勤務 2018年、フリーランスの映像作家として独立。そして、10年にわたる努力、献身、決意をもって、ついに初めての長 編映画の製作を達成。人々を考えさせることができるストーリー、創造的なビジョンを具現化するというパッションをも つ映画監督として活躍中